The Gudu Falls Walk/Climb

Grade: ***** An outing NOT to be missed!

Time in Hours Outward: 3hrs

Time in Hours total: 6hrs

Gudu Falls walk follows the path which travels parallel to the Metsi Matsho Trail, ie. on the south side of the fence.  Follow this path as it winds its way along the top of the ridge, right past the Gudu stream catchment area until the Plowmanskop Ridge is reached, which is easily located and a positive way of not losing the route.    This ridge has magnificent views of the Diamond, the Castle Rocks and the entire Royal Natal Park area.  At this point, turn right (southeast) and follow the sketchy path which winds its way across the grassy slopes, down a gentle slope towards the end of Plowmanskop.  Nearing the end of this gentle slope, it eases to the right and down into the valley to the Falls lip.  This small valley has beautiful swimming pools, within 20 metres of the actual falls, with a lovely lunch area and one tends to relax too much, at this very picturesque spot.  The return trip can be via the “Crack” route and hence back up to the original path at the upper ridge.  From the Gudu Falls lip, climb out and locate the path going in a westerly direction (towards the Main Berg) and follow this path to almost the top of the Crack, at which point, one leaves the crack path to climb up to the ridge (in a north/west direction) and hence, home.

If this walk/climb is intended for a day’s outing, then climbing down the Crack is a further alternate route home as the path at the base of the crack leads up the Mahai Valley and on up to Witsieshoek Mountain Lodge.  This crack is a freak of nature, easily negotiated, with the help of a small chain ladder near the base.  It really is an experience worth the effort.

All hikes are available to be done with or without a guide. Guides are available on request.