Broome Hill/Cold Hill Climb
Grade: * A pleasant morning or afternoon outing.
Time in Hours Outward: 1.5hrs
Time in Hours total: 3.5hrs
The most direct route, is via the same path as the Metsi Matsho Trail, which is clearly sign-posted from the east side of the Lodge. This path follows the boundary fence of the Royal Natal Park, leading down to Broome Hill and Cold Ridge. These two peaks offer some of the most picturesque views of the entire area. Laid out below is Castle Rocks, the Diamond and Surprise Ridge, together with the valleys and streams, which go hand in hand with the scenery.
From the edge of Cold Hill, views are seen of the Cavern area, across to Hlolela, Surprise Ridge, Camel’s Hump, Sungabala and Bababona, not forgetting the view across to Little Switzerland, which is visible from the corner post. The route back is via the same path.
This walk is an absolute MUST for anyone who enjoys scenery and beauty at its best! Water is scarce along the route.
All hikes are available to be done with or without a guide. Guides are available on request.